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Remember, a will or Testamentary is necessary for your shares to be transferred and registered to family members according to your wishes. A Testamentary is a corporate stock will that validates your transfer of shares to a spouse or family member. It is not a FULL WILL.


Without your will or testamentary, your shares are transferred according to state law.


Download this link for a
and remember to complete all information (relation, birthdates, addresses, etc.)

Alaska Legal Services provides professional assistance to developing your will and other matters.

Free legal advice is available 24/7 virtually through 


The corporation needs additional information to register its shareholders. Please use the following form to send your information or to provide information for another shareholder on the lists.

Should shareholders not provide this information, the corporation may not be able to validate their shares. These shares will therefore be retained by the TNCorp's Stock Treasury and the shareholder's benefits withheld until information is completed.

Information can  be sent to...

Email: or write

Mail:  David Flenaugh, General Manager
           308 Ladd Ave., Fairbanks, AK  99701 


​Please send BIRTHDATES and MAILING ADDRESS for the following new shareholders...​​​

  • Demit (David), Isabelle (D. 1/1987)
  • Joe, Chiffon
  • Joe, Colton
  • Joe, James (D. 8/3/2021)
  • Joe, Kobe
  • Joe, Lawrence
  • Joe, III, Patrick
  • John, Syaria
  • Nolner, Charmaine
  • Paul, Dena
  • Sam, Angela

Please send DATES OF DEATH for the following original shareholders...

  • Adams, Alfred Charlie
  • Joe, Patrick David, Sr.


PHONE NUMBER, and EMAIL ADDRESS for the following MISSING shareholders


  • David, Sr., Roy

  • DeFrance, Dwayne

  • Easton, Marie

  • Gene, Robert Clifford

  • Mark, Jr., Bentley

  • Ramsey (Sam), Nancy


THANK YOU for all of you who have helped

TNCorp in updating your Shareholder records.



Shareholder forms are currently being updated. Should you require any particular form(s) such as to provide a change of name, address, or transfer of shares, contact us at...


Phone: (907) 712-7927



Fax:     (907) 921-7709

Mail:    308 Ladd Avenue
            Fairbanks, AK   99701




What happens to a TNCorp shareholder’s stock (shares) when he/she dies?

TNCorp Bylaws


"Sec. 2­ II: Upon the death of the shareholder, ownership of shares shall be transferred in accordance with the last will and testament (which may be the testamentary disposition on the reverse of this certificate, under Alaska Law) or under the applicable laws of intestacy; provided, however, that in the event the deceased shareholder fails to dispose of their shares by will and has no heirs under the applicable laws of intestacy, shares will escheat to the corporation and thereafter be held as treasury shares."



Under Alaska law, deceased shareholders' interests in ANCSA stock do not go through probate. Instead, inheritance of shares are handled by the Alaska Native Corporation that issued the shares. If there is no existing stock will or formal will, Alaska State law will determine the disposition of the deceased shareholder’s stock through intestate succession. The laws of intestate succession dictate that:

  • If the deceased shareholder was married but had no surviving issue (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren), the surviving spouse receives 100% of the shares.

  • If the deceased shareholder is married and has surviving issue, the surviving spouse shall receive 50% of the shares, and the remaining 50% will be divided equally between the surviving issue.

  • When there is no surviving spouse, the shares of stock are divided equally between the surviving issue, and if there is no surviving spouse OR issue, then the stock is equally divided between the surviving parents of the deceased shareholder.

  • If there is no surviving spouse, issue or parents, the stock is divided equally between surviving siblings. If there are no surviving spouse, issue, parents, or siblings, then the stock is equally divided between surviving nieces and nephews.

TNCorp Board sponsored Shareholder Gathering.

FAST EDDY's Pizzas were perfect. May 20th, 2017

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